Durham Fair
Good morning everyone. The Emerald Society needs your help at the Durham Fair (Sept 28-30). You don’t have to be an Emerald Society member to help us (You’ll get a FREE NHPES T-shirt). We have several posts open so not everyone will be needed to park cars with us, which is kind of fun anyway. If you know any high school kids that need community service hours bring them along or pass the word to to your local high school. Ryan will sign off on their forms.
******CHANGE AS OF 09/27/18***** Everyone needs to report to the Tilcon parking lot on Route 68, 1605 Durham Road Wallingford. The Greenbacker lot is closed.
We have a bunch of people that will be there helping that have done it for several years so you don’t need any experience. The more people we have the easier it gets. Plus we will have food and refreshments that are also free. If you can only spare an hour or so for one f the three days that’s fine too. It will give some one a chance to sit down and grab a bite to eat. Don’t forget to bring a chair.
This is our biggest fundraiser for the year and as you know the money we raise goes back to the community.
We will be there:
Friday Sept 28 from 7:30am-midnight
Saturday Sept 29 from 7:30am-midnight
Sunday 7:30am to 7pm
Again if you can only spare an hour or two that would be great. If you can spare some time call one of the guys, post a comment or just show up. I’ll see you there!